

The U.S. National Catholic Bioethics Center defines Bioethics as “the study of the ethical concerns arising from the advances in biology and medicine. Its task involves distinguishing between morally appropriate and inappropriate uses of biotechnology and medicine. Bioethics pioneer Paul Ramsey once noted that for a man of serious conscience, ‘there may be some things that men should never do. The good things that men do can be made complete only by the things they refuse to do(The National Catholic Bioethics Center, 2021).’”

Tissues of aborted on Vaccines

Tissues of Aborted on Vaccines By: Peter Breboneria II The Vatican declared that using COVID-19 vaccines that used aborted cells

Catholic Bioethics

Catholic Bioethics By: Peter Breboneria II The U.S. National Catholic Bioethics Center defines Bioethics as “the study of the ethical

Developing Vaccines and Medicines

Developing Vaccines and Medicines By: Peter Breboneria II Elivera (2020) stated that the earliest time we can produce a vaccine

Performing Ritual to the Dead

Performing Ritual to the Dead By: Peter Breboneria II Elivera (2020) stated that dying with loved ones in the time

Do Not Resuscitate(DNR) Requests

Do Not Resuscitate(DNR) Requests By: Peter Breboneria II Do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders are the patient’s request directing the medical team to